Pinned PostMarch 23, 2024·EnglishAWS Project 🌐A build-out of a fully functional software-as-a-service for genomics annotation.0 Views·0 Sharesread more
November 23, 2024·EnglishBelay 📝A single-page application designed as a Slack clone for real-time workplace messaging.0 Views·0 Sharesread more
July 30, 2024·EnglishHarbour 🚢 (Unfinished)A practice competitive level design project for Valorant.0 Views·0 Sharesread more
March 7, 2024·EnglishC++ Coin Collector Game 🕹️The Coin Collector game is a C++ game where players navigate levels, collect coins, avoid fires and get high scores.0 Views·0 Sharesread more
January 23, 2024·EnglishParkin 🚙A mobile platform providing comprehensive parking information to help users locate nearby available parking options.0 Views·0 Sharesread more
December 29, 2023·EnglishPython Project 💻A modeling system built with Python using Markov Models.0 Views·0 Sharesread more
November 28, 2023·EnglishMLIM Model for Online GamesAn improved online gameing security model for game development.0 Views·0 Sharesread more